The 365 Commitment

The 365 Commitment

Hosted by: Guy Reams

The 365 Commitment Podcast focuses on helping people make and keep life changing commitments.

All Episodes


Day 290 - Commitments Require Habits

Key Points: Commitments and Habits: Guy explores the relationship between commitments and habits, arguing that one requires the other for success. Youthful Ambitions: Guy shares his past struggles with making and...
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Day 289 - Observe First

The importance of observation and understanding before implementing changes. Key Points: A mentor taught Guy Reams the value of observing before making changes. This approach helps to avoid repeating past mistakes and...
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Day 288 – Organizations Gravitate toward Complexity

Human organizations naturally gravitate towards complexity. This principle is based on the concept that if left unchecked, humans will always make things more complicated than they need to be. The way we organize...
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Day 287 - The Past Does Not Exist

Key Points: Chess as a metaphor for life: Guy observes high-level chess matches, where players fight for small advantages that accumulate over time. The importance of small wins: We often underestimate the power of...
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Day 286 - Make No Waves, Back No Losers

Reinterpreting a political slogan for personal and professional guidance. Origin of the Phrase: Richard J. Daley, former Mayor of Chicago, used the phrase "make no waves and back no losers" within his political...
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Day 285 - Happiness is Relative, Truth is Absolute

The conversation explores the concepts of happiness and truth and their relationship to individual perspectives and universal realities. It delves into the philosophical debate between absolute truth and relative...
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Day 284 - How to Treat People

In this conversation, Guy Reams shares his top 10 principles that guide his life. The first principle he discusses is treating people as they should be, not as they are. He explains that this principle was influenced...
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Day 283 - You Can't Fake Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm cannot be faked, and it is crucial for success in various areas of life, including politics, business, and pitching ideas. Lack of enthusiasm can indicate a lack of confidence in one's solution or offering....
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Day 282 - Growth is Simple

Simple yet overlooked principles for business growth. Key Points: Growth occurs naturally when basic needs are met, just like plant growth with proper sunlight, water, and nutrients. The core of business growth lies...
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Day 281 - Perseverance

The importance of perseverance in achieving success. Key Points: Personal experience and observation lead to the conclusion that perseverance is crucial for success. Grit, defined as the willingness to keep going...
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Day 280 - Building a Working Group

The challenges and importance of building a successful team for achieving goals. Key Points: The transition from a solo concept to a scalable project requires building a team. Creating a functional team involves...
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Day 279 - The Best Made Plans

Dealing with unexpected disruptions and finding value in the unplanned, inspired by Robert Burns and a personal experience. Life Lessons from Plowing: A childhood memory of disrupting a mouse nest with his grandfather...
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