Day 256 – Cut in Half

Simplifying healthy eating by reducing portion sizes. Key Points: Guy Reams struggles with inflammation and understands the burden of processing food. He ponders the cellular impact of large meals, filled with processed ingredients. Idea: Cut your typical portion size in half for every meal and snack. Benefits: Less workload on the body for digestion and elimination. Improved health and performance due to reduced inflammation. Faster recovery time between meals. Simpler approach to healthy eating compared to complex plans. Connection to Intermittent Fasting: Reduced meals provide similar benefits to fasting by giving the body more rest. Call to Action: Experiment with cutting your portion sizes in half for a period of time. Notice how it affects your energy levels, digestion, and overall well-being. Consider if this simple approach could be a good starting point for healthier eating habits. Quote: "The less load you put on the body and the more time you give the body to recover between meals, the stronger, healthier, and more responsive you will be." - Guy Reams