Day 261 - What You Should be Doing?

Questioning the pressure to conform in marketing and business. Key Points: Guy Reams critiques being told "what you should be doing" in sales conversations. Focus on what the client wants: Be upfront about selling your services. Tailor communication to the client's needs and interests. Avoid generic marketing tactics: Ditch boring presentations with repetitive slides (milestones, company history, etc.). Stop using overused stock photos. Challenge the "should" mentality: Consider if traditional business practices are truly beneficial. Focus on what you and your clients want to achieve. Call to Action: Re-evaluate your marketing approach. Prioritize what your clients want to hear over generic messages. Consider if following industry norms is truly helping your business grow. Quote: "I think I'm just about done with the 'should' part of my life. I think I'm going to stop doing what I should be doing and start doing what I want to do. And more importantly, doing what my clients want me to do." - Guy Reams pen_spark tune share more_vert