Guy Reams (00:00.888)
This is day 125, part one, the power of showing up.
There's a moment every day, a decision point, where you either take action or step back into comfort zone. This is the crossroads of change. It's not the big dramatic moments that define your success, but it's those quiet, consistent ones. The ones where no one is watching. The ones where your motivation is gone and all that's left is just a choice. Do you show up? I found that the most powerful force in personal transformation isn't talent, luck, or even motivation.
It's simply this, just showing up. No matter how you feel, no matter how tired, uninspired, or doubtful you are, when you show up, when you step into the arena, despite your excuses, you create momentum. The truth is most people quit before they ever really begin. They let fear whisper in their ears, telling them today doesn't matter, that skipping just one won't make a difference. But it does. It always does. The person you want to become is built in the moments when you feel like doing nothing,
and yet you do something anyway. So what does showing up look like? Writing the words even when they feel clumsy. Going to the gym even when you don't feel strong. Taking the first step towards a hard conversation even though you don't want to. Doing the work without needing a reward. It's not about perfection, it's about presence. It's about proving to yourself that you are someone who follows through regardless of how you feel.
So today, just show up. Just that. Just take the next step. Because tomorrow, when you look back, you'll be very grateful that you did. Tomorrow, I'm going to talk about what happens when you just keep showing up, which is the second part of this discussion.